Our Collection Practice

We handle a wide range of collection cases, from commercial collection cases involving contract disputes for goods and services to retail accounts involving unpaid medical bills. Our attorneys have the necessary skills, professional staff and technology to manage all types of collection claims.

We are attorneys who happen to collect bills for our clients. We advance our clients' interests through the use of advanced technology and the legal process. While we have the technology to send multiple dunning letters and to make collection calls, we believe in the legal process. It demands that the truth be proven in the court of law. We do not badger, harass, annoy, threaten, or prey upon the unfortunate. We ask for what is right and just for our clients. We seek justice in the form of a court judgment. A court rules on our claim and usually finds that the debt is due our clients.

What good is a judgment you ask? It means everything to us. A judgment can last forever. In these difficult times, many individuals find themselves without of a job through no fault of their own. A judgment assures you that your bill will be collected when your debtor returns to the marketplace. With a judgment we can request the court issue garnishments, writs, and orders to appear for examination. With a judgment we can compel payment from someone who is able but not willing to pay. A judgment greatly increases the likelihood that your bill will be paid.